reach out
up there in the sky, there the mirror we all scream to... she who reflects not only the light in us, but the evil as well. "never let your friends know your weak side, you never know who shall become your enemy". i remember those words from the holocaust of minds you call heaven in that little story book of yours. thanks to that there's a huge mine buried inside with all there is to know and nothing to be said about it . i'm tired... i tried i swear, to hold on, as tight as i could... but you are letting go of me now... and little by little you are more and more unreachable... lemme go play God in my dreams instead and recreate the times when nothing was weird for either one of us. maybe then i can find where it was that we got lost or separated. even if i find it, it'll be useless though... i can't fix it... nor can you. if you rewind this one story, you'll see that the mistakes that happened, were meant to happen. it is thanks to it that today th...