Twenty-one Murders out Now!

The newest short novel to join my portfolio is now live on amazon. After almost 2 years of working with it, along side the other projects and the general lack of time to actually work on it. But it is finally out. When you question what's real, old things become new with every step. This psychological suspense story plays with that concept and puts you in the shoes of a reformed schizophrenic trying to readjust to society. The reader is taken through a joyride in the mind of this disturbed individual, all in a fresh presentation and approach. This could be seen as a love letter to the journey of self-discovery, and though these concepts may share some similarities, it would be unwise to assume it as such. The creation of this book paralleled my personal recovery from a massive injury. The idea of "getting back out there" was very much hammering my thoughts. Through this short story I was able to channel that energy and focus on my recovery to astonishing results. Certainl...