Face Back
I give my back
To the backstab ass-lick
I’m not one of them
Don’t need to be like this
I close my fist
For the fight looking dicks
I’m not a violent one
Or can you not see?
I lock my mouth
To the shit talking pigs
Don’t have to hear that
My ears you make bleed
I’m now facing back
To the times I have lived
Those times really sucked
That shit I don’t need
To the backstab ass-lick
I’m not one of them
Don’t need to be like this
I close my fist
For the fight looking dicks
I’m not a violent one
Or can you not see?
I lock my mouth
To the shit talking pigs
Don’t have to hear that
My ears you make bleed
I’m now facing back
To the times I have lived
Those times really sucked
That shit I don’t need