for absent friends

i'm arlin, you're logan right?
where's my hug mofo!

and i'll always remember, your smile so tender, your laughter as thunder, as we sat right under the son of the moon waiting for the sun that first night we met over 10 years ago. you sang orestes like it was the only song you've ever loved and i danced to your voice with the smoke in between us. do you remember? do you recall how i said that was the best way i've ever met anyone? can you still see the dragon looking cloud that gave away the uprising of the blond one? because i still remember how you said "LETS GO TO THE BEACH" and we drove like we had nothing else to live for but that moment. i remember the secrets you told me... i've kept them just like you took mine to the grave... and i can still feel you... even so far away...

you were the medicine i needed. you were my perfect drug. you are still flowing in my blood like that time you cut your finger and i kissed it hoping to see you smile. i still have that iron taste in my tongue... and i held your hand and we walked the sand as the light kissed your face uncovered and pure. i held your hand and you fought to see who held tighter, and you won. my hand still feels the pain of your letting go... but i can still feel you... even so far away...

words in the sand of moments untold and times never forgotten, they flew away with the wind as we sat down and glanced at that orange bliss in the horizon. "take off your sunglasses, lemme see your eyes glow" and even when blinding the feeling was, it was even more rewarding just to see you smile and lay there as the fire grew inside... then came the rain and we ran for shelter as all was filled with crystal mirrors made of water reflecting the infinite sight of morning. and you were cold and i was cold but together we were fire, and i held you in my arms as you held me in your arms as fire burnt us into one mold of platinum grace in the single blink of the third eye that stared at us so morbidly.... and yes, i can still feel you... even so far away...

and i wish this time you'd have won this game of holding hands... that you would have held my hand forever and at least now we'd be together weather here, there or where ever... still even so far away... i can still feel you....

see you on the other side my Bijli...


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