
Many have tried, many have failed, many have fallen, yet no one ever decides to walk away.
One try... one single essay... maybe you can be the next winner?
Oh, how many? hmm... don't worry. Rest assured, if you win, it will be news...
Thinking about it? Hahahaha no one ever thinks about it.
The price? Life...
To see the world in its true face is not living!
Being part of the wrinkles of that face, that!
Maybe some other time you can reconsider life, not today.
What do you have to do? Oh, just jump.
Oh, yes, there is.
Look ahead of you, the horizon... it is beautiful.
It was not a lie, it was not fiction, there it is. Right in front of you.
Afraid? Ha! Life is fearful, yet there the emotion lies, there the excitement dwells.
Yes... I understand... It is not until the bird tries to fly for the first time that it understands there is a fall, but that same fall will be the one to push your wings wide open, 
that same fall will make you fly...


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