For all to remember

There was a summoning, in a moment of weakness. The summoning led to the demon's awakening. The demon is now hungry.

Spouted verbs and adjectives between subjects. Heavy rain. One says jump, the other bows. A missed translation that brought apathy and disdain. Suddenly screaming for help is violence, the new fact. Drowning in the burning flames is the hottest new dance move. A dance akin to mosh-pitting against paper walls. There, where the contract was written and signed, splattered by the crimson blight of disbelief.

I lack the words to mend the cracks. Always responsible for their appearance and insistence, never for the defusing of their existence. Most of this is incidental, some of it is accidental, but everything is fucking mental. The times are not for misuse, but there is no gray matter left to think about it. The gray now repaints the walls of illusion. Those that bare no thoughts, just scars.

It was always meant to be hard. There is no surprise for the prepared. Still the lack of anesthetics reminds the body of its living state... livid state? How is it possible for something to be so wrong? Built on blood and tears, sweat and stress, were those sleepless nights for naught? Just another question for the box.

"Let the children come to me" he said. In return, he was all the children. The gas filled the chamber and all dreams went to sleep. In the void, a hand reaches out but finds nothing. Minutes turned to hours, hours to days of silence. He created the perfect habitat for the disease to spread. Still refusing to see the darkness becoming.

Trying so hard to push that expiration date further into the future... another statistic? The odds are now even, it seems. Even after the odd scenario where rose powder becomes gun powder, there should always be a second of silence where the flag can be raised, opaque and wasted. Tainted with the blood of the innocent, held by the callused hands of martyrs. And if strength withers, may the pole be staked through the hearts of the nameless soldiers for all to see... for all to remember...


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