Fighting Acceptance

The sailor avoids the waters... he knows what lures beneath the deep blue, and fear takes over. The harrowing idea that one fish can destroy it all in mere seconds. He dreads the idea of letting go of land, but his place is in the sea.

The hunter avoids the forest... he knows what crawls in the dark woods, and fear takes over. The narrow path between the trees won't hide the beast for longer. He dreads the idea of leaving the cabin, but his place is in the forest.

The performer avoids the stage... he knows what fanatics are capable of in the arenas, and fear takes over. The lonesome halls will bring the murderers to light. He dreads the idea of leaving this backstage, but his place is on stage.

The writer avoids all pen and paper... he knows what hides behind the words and thoughts, and fear takes over. The last attempt to recover life was unsuccessful and the ink became pray to anger and hate. He dreads the idea of leaving his mind, but his place is the paper.

The lover avoids the loved one... he knows scar tissue has grown to cover all reason, and fear takes over. The hard task of reaching out might lead to the fall of an empire. He dreads the death of what once was and ignores the path forward, but his place... Where is his place?

In the void with the nothing and the forgotten, she silently replied.


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