meeting again for the first time

it smells like fire and wind decided to have an affair...
it sounds like a thousand steps from a thousand feet on a thousand grounds for a thousand days...
it seems like it rains stars and we swim in empty space...
it feels like giant floating whales sing for us to sleep...

this is when time should stop so we can appreciate the sight of our eyes meeting again for the first time. space becomes vain. a mere sensation of belonging awakes me from deep slumber.

then the cold light of midnight shines upon you... the line of your face is the road i wish to walk with my lips. the sound of your voice is the lullaby i wish to sleep to. the smell of your hair... that poison that drove me closer and closer... the touch of your hand next to the light in your eyes... no match to the taste of your soul, and now i wish for crystals to carry you with me... and you move like i want to...

sorry... i apologize... please forgive me... i did not mean to blow the smoke in your face, but i had to make it disappear for at least a second! before i overdosed on your smile... before i'm over-run by your style! the feels, the sounds... where is the honesty?

i began to not trust myself after our encounter... i surprise me with the things that come to mind... "what's your name? is it mary or sue?" i hear someone say afar... and today i travel alone because i have no intentions on returning but ... i see a dream catcher and things change... the "falling trap to that net" is still a vivid memory, even if i have seen the sun come out more than i have paid attention to.

this glass half full... this road with no curves... this high with no lows, up with no downs, in and no… way… out… or maybe i just outlived my options. but my doubts go beyond that, so i'll stop worrying about the end of the world as we know it and embrace change. i'll forget about the falling of the skies and bath in it. i'll forget the hurts i've held hands with and let the torture begin.

here i am, open arms.
do as you wish now.


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