Halfway there

My back hurts...
from this never ending road. I've been walking for who knows how long. This road doesn't seem to end either. All I see is trees on the sides of the road and mountains on each end of it. There is a small rock on my shoe that I have ignored and will continue to ignore, so long as it remains a non issue.

My head hurts...
from thinking about existentialisms. The sound of a car engine caught my attention. It came from behind me. I don't know much about cars, but this was a very nice looking convertible. However it looked as if it had been under repairs for a long time. Where was I before this road? Was I under repairs as well? Am I even damaged?

My thumb hurts...
from being leveled. There were hopes of catching a ride. While where I was headed was a mystery, he was already driving in the direction I was walking in. No harm in attempting some distance gain towards the unknown.

My eyes hurt...
from the blurred mass. Just a glance of the swift car passing by was all I saw while standing there, completely ignored. I waved at it as it drove away. Maybe it is necessary for me to walk this road. Maybe there is truth along this path. The answers may very well be at the end of the line. So I keep to the sidewalk.

My will hurts...
from a single drop that falls on the tip of my nose. Then a gushed wind passed by, announcing the arrival of the clouds which have formed above me. Oblivious to their imminence, I now realize how doubt blinded me. I extend my arm, expecting to feel the cold, sharp tears of the towering clouds.

My soul hurts...
but I'm barely halfway there. Can't stop now.


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