Finger Guns

As I breath to this, a sigh of no relief, nonsense is heard all over the place. Sometimes it is better to ignore and move on but, when the path is blocked, to respond with silence is to provide affirmatives. Always found that to be the most ridiculous of behaviors, but when there, that is the only way out. Having to rely on people to trust your word, when they them selves have placed it to the test or even smeared it on the shit stains of your seemingly unequivocal actions. That is also the definition of stupidity.

Responding is a dangerous affair, since those without guilt have no need to answer futile questions. But the standards have changed into standarts, meant to hit the soft spot of the unfounded self incrimination. Those the Self-Built have no place for such insecurities, but when you are taken out of your game, you become that which you fear. Bubble poppin' is the new console where you play in the second person. Careful where you point your finger guns.

Accusations are nothing but outcries for insecurities and inner complex puzzles, or complex inner puzzles, or just puzzling complexities that we interiorize. Fear lives within us all. What you do with it is what changes the future. And that kind of power is certainly scary. Specially for those with no perspective and so much voice. Their whispers cloud the screamers cries, leaving them in the background, like white noise. Because it is, white, noise.

If you had a world ahead of you where you could do anything, would you? Note how I didn't say "imagine". That is the truth, and only you can see it, if you want to. "I didn't do it" is never enough, even when it is obvious you didn't. The sweetest of spots is also the most vile, but people don't care anymore about empathy if it's not coated in green or rosé. It is amazing to see kids poking on each others wounds.

It is clear to me, the witness, but the noise is loud and my voice... it dies.

Maybe you should run, but then they'll see reasons to run that were never there, except for the danger they themselves represent. Maybe you should step up, but they will surely linch you. How do you seek for help in such situations? There is no tower to protect you, king. The horcrux is broken and your soul is now free to step out of the light and into the shadows of the unknown. What you have built has been destroyed, what you were is no more.

While the shadows may not be as warm, there are no maggots under your skin anymore, and that equals mental sobriety. You'll just have to decipher the numbers on your own from now on. It won't be easy but, even if you don't remember, it wasn't easy back then either. That empire, it took years. This time you're just building a home, a century's worth of work in the least of scenarios. What is lost can never be found, what is new will never be fully grasped, what is ahead can never be seen. That is the way of the pathfinder.

As a deconstruction of the facts, a poet once said: "...There are many, many places I would like to go but I, can't find the key to open my door..."


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