
written in moments of vulnerability.
this is Epiphany.


Blossom dear numbing sense, blossom and become that I believe you to be not. Embrace my situation with thy presence... remind me what am I made of...

While I seek for a new, you come from within the nothing and offer that I felt forgotten. For some reason the self I call my own beholds that you call divine, yet comprehension is not part of what overcomes me when ever I see that to be a fact for you. Will I ever see the light on that matter? Matters not much though to have or not the final image of thy draft for I only need to understand that you are to be comforted by me as so am I by thy. Thus I have become that I feel to be worshiped by nature as the masterpiece of them all, thus has you become my Queen and Emperor, the owner of my dark and light, yet you identify me as the parallel universe of that I call to be mine in your world... you see me as I see you... is that a sign for prosperity? or just a call to disorder…? We might as well have that task in our hands and be ordered to determine the solution... would we be able to do so? All I know is that these words are to be founded by the pureness of the sentiment... for so I trust it to be an epiphany...

Mission Status: Failed


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