cycle of cleansing and creation

this guitar i never played like this before. i hear the chords crawling into my skin like death in ethyl tendencies. i ignored the warning and played along with the devil and he won this game of denial. i wasn't able to hide the lies anymore, i had to fight myself and lost again. was this my fate? what was wrong with me? why was i still thinking that this would last? that slap i needed.

i drank ahead. i didn't stop. i bled my guts away when the alcohol decided to return to my hands. i kissed it one last time and it is the last thing i remember before waking up in that white hall with white beings dressed in white. i closed my eyes again.

the piano keys had an influence on my somehow... it was like the dust all over that tail had been there waiting for me. i took a deep breath and it blew my mind away. i tried, i swear i tried. but in all honesty i had no intention of stopping really. then you came to my eyes and i had to kill you before you killed me or ...

words would fall two at a time, summer was far gone and a new age was here to remind me where i'm from and i'm headed. i laughed so hard that people fired at me to shut me out. i've died for years, and for years i'll die again, and like every time i die, i shall return; stronger? doubt it, but will certainly try not to die again years ahead.

i was looking for your company, but you denied your presence like i denied my l.o.v.e. (leach obsession for this vile existence....). it was the right move, so i took the left side to wonder and found myself in the middle of this and now looking for ups and downs i sink deeper in this hate that i had forgotten, and now it feels so humble and tender.... like the womb i once burned to ashes.

can you see me now? i'm a rock star, falling into this earth in a meteor rain. now craters are memories and the remains of those flames are blown away with the wind as it injects itself into me with all it's left over crumbs of a past life that will be left behind, like all others have, in this cycle of cleansing and creation.

now that you've died, how about a beer and a smoke. that should be enough to make you live again...
and again...
and again...
and again...


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