She said forget

She said forget

Those where your words in graphic...
That was my fucking maze...
That was my world without magic...
Those where my feelings, vanishing in haze...

I’ll give you peace now...

How could you understand even with the picture in fresh? how could I have been so dull? yet no words ahead where shared between neither soul... it was to be expected... since one wishes not to understand and the other wishes not to explain...

If Europa leaves the orbit, why should Saturn gravitate for her return if is her wish...? Saturn is not to control but to guide and guide alone...

"Let it flow" said the third, yet the third never knew... "I hate you" said the fourth, yet the fourth never care to know... "it's life" said a fifth, yet the fifth never lived to know...

It was fun while it lasted... thank god it didn't last.


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