La Historia Sin Fin

___ Welcome. I'm Logan and this is part of an old life. "Dysfunctionality of an Almost Human Mind" is the resultant of bringing together 3 large aspects of my past. First "Images from a Photographic Memory", then "Melodic Rhymes from a Distorted Mind" and last "Artistic Development of the Self". These are the three pillars that defina compilation of books [Book 1, 2, 3, Imagenes de una Memoria Fotografica, Mas Imagenes de una Memoria Fotografica, Imagenes Perdidas de una Memoria Fotografica, Artistic Development, Eyes Only, Prospects, Requiem International d'un Rêve, and other] written by me.

___ So that a new chapter can be opened, others have to be closed... or not? In this case it would be interesting to begin by saying that this will remain for a while and what better way than calling in one of the old ones. This poem was written a long time ago, belongs to the book "
Mas Imagenes de una Memoria Fotografica" numbered as the 43rd of this book. This is the beginning of it all, this is "La Historia sin Fin".

La Historia sin Fin.

Melodias son creadas
Y con sangre son plasmadas
En las hojas que en mi palma
Ahora se han de posar.

Una y mil las lunas
Que la noche trae con gracia
Y que besan con su aurora
Tu regaso en tu ventana

Son las voces del silencio
Las que llegan en misterio
Y que en cada decenio
La realidad hacen mas clara

Son las sombras que hay en mi
Las que ya dicen que si
Es hoy cuando comienza
Ya la historia sin fin.


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